Providing Hope for the Holiday Season
Mr. Ben’s Christmas Time is a joyous testament to the warmth and comfort of the Christmas holiday. Despite the commercialization of the holidays during December, Mr. Ben’s stories reveal that the true intention of the holidays is to express gratitude for the love and friendships that make all people fundamentally social. Each short story provides deep connotative meanings into what life is like during the titular Christmas Time.
Each chapter in this short story collection is a compelling didactic tale that can teach readers to celebrate Christmas for what it truly is. Many people might believe that Christmas is a day off from work, but Mr. Ben’s short stories go beyond the holiday to encourage people to love one another unconditionally. Through great characters like Frances, Sean, and Ron in “A Christmas to Remember,” the stories that Mr. Ben wrote essentially strips away the notion that Christmas is about getting presents. All of the stories in Christmas Time are about the meaning of the holidays that harken back to historical events long before the present day. Many people in the modern world might express greed and the wanting of material possessions, but Mr. Ben’s characters encourages readers that the true meaning about the holiday season is to never underestimate the power of unconditional love, and to ultimately express sincere gratitude for life itself. "Christmas Time" is much more than a yearly season because it is actually about giving thanks for being alive.
The final sentences in this short story collection basically summarizes the author’s intention into what Mr. Ben considers to be the true meaning of Christmas. The concluding sentences, “The reason for Christmas, the season of love, merriment and sober reflections is you. Anything else is just but an attachment,” asserts that the holidays are much more than just a time to become shopaholics, eating unnecessarily large meals, and getting presents that many people oftentimes do not even need. Instead, the holidays are about being surrounded by loved ones while also reciprocating such love to the people that surround any given person. Cheers to Mr. Ben for crafting compelling stories about what truly is “Christmas Time”!

** spoiler alert ** Pouring Out Personal Thoughts Poetically
One of the greatest joys of being a writer is the act of pouring out thoughts from the mind onto a page. Indeed, any published writing would not exist if people did not express their thoughts through written and creative expression. This fundamental fact is part of the reason why Mr. Ben is currently one of the most compelling authors of contemporary poetry.
In his collection entitled The Poured Out Thoughts, Mr. Ben explores the implications of life itself through his keen insight about the philosophical and sometimes enigmatic qualities of what it means to live. For example, in the poem with the title “The Worthiness of Truth,” one of the most striking lines is, “Truth dwells with and in humanity,” and that bold statement reveals the fact that the truth holds great power. The lines that follows, though, suggests that not everything in life is true. Specifically, the line, “Truth is actually not sold” implies that truth is both intangible and is not always valid. Therefore, the titular phrase of this particular poem questions “the worthiness of truth” by daring to ask if what is true really is true at all.
Throughout this poetic publication, Mr. Ben also express appreciation and admiration to family in a universal way. For example, the poem “Dad Loves Me” is a fantastic poem about the connections between fathers and their children. The short and simple lines include, “Dad loves me / because He made me / Dad makes me trust him / because he made my team” (1-4), and these lines are all simply profound. The poem is essentially an expression of gratitude from a child to his or her father because such a child would not even be alive if a mother and father have not created such a child biologically. The concluding lines, “Daddy loves me always! That’s why I love him too” is a great reminder about the power of unconditional love so that the family that a mother and a father has created will not fall apart despite all of the hatred and negativity that exists in the real world.
The Poured Out Thoughts is an insightful poetry collection that are much more than thoughts poured out onto pages. It is actually a poetry collection that reveals universal truths while also encouraging readers to be careful about the subjective nature of reality. Mr. Ben’s poetry delves deep into what it means to live while also advocating the notion that no one must be left behind because of the basic community that connects all people in the world.

A Heroine for the Modern Age
As of 2019, more films and literary works focus on feminism and women. Subject to subjugation in the past, more people are honoring women rather than dehumanizing them. Because of such compelling portraits of women that focus on empowerment, more women are earning praise. That means that heroines like Maya in Maya Initiate 39: The Long Walk to Destiny is a great example of how stories about women can inspire all people, and not just women.
Throughout this beautifully written work, Maya struggles to define herself as both a woman and as a person. Individualism really is an important theme because a man named “Samuel” claims to be Maya’s “father” even though it is unclear about the true identity of her biological dad. Living in Durban proves to be challenging for Maya, and her story involves a lot of turmoil as she struggles to survive.
Without giving away spoilers, Maya is a prime example of a woman trying to live a meaningful life while also trying to find her place in the world. She definitely encounters very “colorful” characters (pun intended), and life is hard for her because of her African identity. Maya Initiate 39: The Long Walk to Destiny is essentially a Bildungsroman about a woman yearning to live while learning how to survive in spite of the racism and sexism that attempt to destroy her.
Because of the fundamental fact that misogyny has been a major problem throughout history, it is nice to know that women in both the fictional and the real world are earning respect rather than ridicule. Reading Maya Initiate 39: The Long Walk to Destiny will hopefully inspire people to honor women instead of hurt them. Therefore, heroines really are more than just female heroes.

The Space Adventure of a Lifetime
The science fiction genre remains popular in modern times. Films like Avatar (2009) produce box-office receipts, and aliens continue to fascinate people, especially since many would wonder about if there really is other forms of life outside of the planet Earth. Such notions formed the basis of yet another great novel by Mr. Ben, and his publication entitled Life in Space: The Parallel Earth Story really is a riveting tale.
This novel follows the adventures of three boys who would fondly call themselves “The Three Musketeers” (a reference to the famed classic by Alexandre Dumas). Kyle, Stanley, and Michael share a friendship unlike any other as they travel through the solar system. Interestingly, throughout their travels, they ultimately learn more about themselves, each other, and valuable life lessons along the way. One of the greatest lessons that could be learned from Life in Space: The Parallel Earth Story is that life really does have value.
Many people in the real world might wonder if there is life in other parts of the vast universe, but Mr. Ben’s novel is a powerful reminder that each person and living creature on Earth really has only one life. Life itself is very short, as many would say, so this novel reminds readers to not take their own lives for granted. Because of its compelling narrative, fantastic characters, and modern style, Life in Space: The Parallel Earth Story would excite readers longing for adventure!
Short Bio: Alex Andy Phuong earned his Bachelor of Arts in English from California State University—Los Angeles in 2015. He was a former Statement Magazine editor who currently writes about literature, film, and culture. His other reviews of Mr. Ben's publications can be found on GoodReads, and the link to this specific title on Amazon is
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